Gosh – I am grateful for your visit. This writing thing has been a long time coming… to say the least! It has been and still is a labor of absolute love from my screen to yours.
My name is Alexis, and I’m a thirty something letter-lover, functional fitness enthusiast and raw conversation starter. Next to great writing and mid-afternoon americanos, my life is daily energized by the things beneath the surface. I relish moments when, amidst the ordinary grind of life, we (collectively – you, me, the barrista behind the counter) stop to articulate the gratitude-worthy gifts of life going on right in front of us; when we move past surface level niceties to the raw and the real that is shaping our days. However beautiful, intricate and messy it all might be, nothing makes my heart happier then going there.
Currently, I’m delving deep in these moments in Birmingham, Alabama – coaching clients 1×1, doing development work with a number of rockstar teams locally and abroad, and relishing life with my sister and her growing family.
I studied Communication Arts at a small liberal arts Christian college just outside of Boston. After living a solid 4+ ocean-dunking, apartment-hopping, mercurial years on the North Shore of MA, the West Coast bug bit me, hard. And, as God would miraculously have it, all roads led to sunshine wrapped Santa Barbara, CA! Such a dream. The music video logged journey from NY to CA with one of some of my dearest friends is youtube logged, still awaiting it’s moment to go viral.
I landed in one of the deepest loving communities that exists on earth today and have more than a few chapters to write on the gift that was my California experience. Spending two years as a full time educator at lululemon athletica, avid cross-fitter, runner and budding yogi, I was given the time I craved to delve deep in the conversation around fitness and faith, along with what it looks like to discover where my passions met some of the worlds needs.
After two years of unspeakably memorable moments logged on the pacific coast, I took a position helping launch the lululemon store front back in my hometown. So, I trekked my dancer’s fractured 5th metatarsal back across the country with my American history buff of a Dad as my co-pilot and jumped into a new season of leadership development, training and massively sweaty dance parties back East.
After a 4-year love affair with lululemon athletica- working on some of the most incredible teams one could ever love – I ventured out to pursue the callings well identified during my season there. I will forever be indebted to the goal-crushing, vision-casting, people-driving ethos rooted deep in lululemon culture – and for the deep love I now possess for the power of vision & goals, at any age, the beauty of trusting the process, and a incredible closet full of luon. Giving without expectation, BHAGs, gosh the list is LONG.
The last three years have been an incredible journey of connecting one-on-one with Soul Coaching clients across the globe, training and teaching on The 5 Voices through GiANT Worldwide, and relocating to Birmingham, Alabama to do life with my sister AND jump back into development with the lululemon team in Bham! I couldn’t stay away – and grow deeper in gratitude every day for the personal development company that just happens to sell stretchy pants.
Making space for people to slow down, consider the important over the urgent, and begin to align life according to how they are physically, mentally, socially and spiritually wired… that’s the work I love. Seeing clients on three continents make monumental life shifts on account of this work has been nothing short of mind-boggling and I am daily inspired by growth in these beautiful lives I get to run along side.
Often I say I was born in the wrong century. Other than writing chapters via text message – one of my life-long [daily] cravings is to split from all things backlit and buzzing and script out some old fashioned, hand-written snail mail. I’m talking real paper, brown envelopes, rollerball ink, and if wax is handy, a real life wax stamp. Everything in me believes in the power of language to shape life, and any moment by which I can put pen to paper to encourage, affirm, recognize or relish a moment is nothing shore of a divine gift.
In addition to that, I’m a gratitude journal junkie and firm believer that practicing gratitude with moderation is a no-go. I can nightly be found curled up someplace with my gratitude journal, a candle and Chris Botti’s album Italia on full blast. Truth be told, I’m often there much later into night-owl-ville than is healthy, digging deep to ring every ounce of gratitude possible out of the day God’s given. And the life shaping musical notes that have powerfully colored these nights for over a decade drive deep my belief in the capacity music have to make a moment – make a life – exponentially rich.
I’m a firm believer that knowing what you stand for and where your heart beats hardest is a fabulous way to show up in this world. Identifying those legacy-crafting elements becomes your gift and that very work is what’s led me to begin Soul Coaching. I adore digging into the stuff of personal mission, vision and purpose, helping others identify the why behind their what, and craft an energizing, present vision for their one wild life. I’m also a firm believer in Christ – Lord, Savior, Breathe – and every bit of life as grace.
All of that together makes up life in a note. The capacity to recognize and affirm, edify and celebrate, order the soul and color moments, months and decades can all be beautifully held… in a note. Short and sweet – long and elaborate – hand-written or e-created, I truly believe there is life to be had in a note. This space is here to listen for the thoughts that go on beneath the hum of life, slowing the whirl of the everyday and ordering moments made to see what might be made of them. Really, it’s here to let you (and me, both) connect the countless threads that sew into the making of our lives real and rich and miraculous – to consider where our hearts beat the hardest.
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When I’m NOT writing in some form or fashion, I’m often pumping some new playlist on full blast, lecturing someone on the benefits of practicing Sabbath and the importance of knowing their enneagram number, or sipping coffee with a friend diving deep into what’s happening underneath the surface. I’m grateful for moments joyful to be relished and/or heart-wrenching to be redeemed. … for in the last analysis, all moments are key moments, and life itself is grace.
I’m so excited to share life with you here at Life in a Note! Thank you for stopping by.